Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's that time of year again!

2012 is fast approaching. So methinks it is time for some *new* New Year's resolutions!

But first: let me reflect on my 2011 resolutions.

They were....somewhat....successful.

I'm not sure as to how I can really tell if I've become more self aware. I've been more reflective - that's for sure. 

I definitely took a few risks this year. I learned how to be a better snowboarder, I joined a baseball league in the summer, I let my vulnerable side show - something which  I hardly ever do - in order to make a relationship work, I quit my full-time job because I was unhappy, etc. These may not sound like major risks (especially the sports-related activities - I had let my athletic side diminish for some time) but they were to me and that's all that matters.

I'm still working on standing up for myself. I've been told that I'm too nice to the people who least deserve it and show my *ugly* side to those who don't. I don't know why I'm like that. But I am definitely aware that this is something that needs to change.

And worrying about the future? Frig. That's a tough one. I don't think that will ever go away. Not anytime soon atleast. Everything is up in the air right now since I left the full-time gig. Do I regret it? Hell no. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and that I'm getting back to being myself. That place changed me and not in a good way. One on hand, it's nice to have this freedom to do the things I really want to do. But on the other hand, finances as well as not knowing what's to come can be stressful. Hellooo anxiety!

So. What do I want for 2012? Let's see....

Stop avoiding confrontation (we'll keep that one around....).

Learn to cook.

Create more (writing, theatre, etc.)

Be more flexible (and not in that sense! I need to be less anal (ha) about time and plans, etc.). 

Stop being Blackberry-dependent (such a bad habit). 

Be more direct about my wants/needs. 

.....bring it 2012.

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