Thanks to Feministe for posting this blog under the title "People not to marry".
While I definitely like that this guy seems to dig Back to the Future as much as I do and refuses to put his future children on leashes (No seriously, if you wanted a dog then get one. Children are not animals), I think it is very odd that he is putting this shit out there in the universe (via the interweb).
I think he is trying to be cutesy and romantic...? But, it just sorta reads as phony and....weird. I get it, everyone sets their own rules in a relationship and each individual has to decide what they are willing to sacrifice for the other person. He DID say in an interview that of course these notes aren't completely concrete - they are negotiable.Maybe he should be out there telling these things to women that he could potentially date/wind up with.
It seems, to me anyways, like this guy is throwing this shit out there to get dates. There is something about it that just sounds so "I'm Gonna Play The Role of Cute/Quirky Guy Who Is Secretly a Hopeless Romantic, Therefore Tricking Doe-Eyed, "I Need To Find A Husband NOW"-Type Women (Because That Is The Shit They Are Fed By The Media and The Universe) Into Falling For Me".
But again....that's just me.
ANYWHO the main reason for this post was to link to THIS which I think is unarguably HILARIOUS.
Oh man, I actually cried I was laughing so hard. Hey remember when I wrote that post a little while ago about how women ARE funny??
Point proven.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Um so, just came across this little gem.
I...don't...even...have...words.(That's a lie. I have many: "fuck", "bullshit", "douchebag", "strangle", "fucking bullshit", "fucking bullshitty douchebag", etc.).
The "about me" section:
It's catchy, don't ya think?
P.S I want to point out that it doesn't seem that this blog has a comment section. What a fuck-tard.
I...don't...even...have...words.(That's a lie. I have many: "fuck", "bullshit", "douchebag", "strangle", "fucking bullshit", "fucking bullshitty douchebag", etc.).
The "about me" section:
"I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don't know how to cook or clean, don't want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?
American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.
This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.
American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.
This blog is my attempt to explain why I feel American women are inferior to foreign women (non-American women), and why American men should boycott American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.
A) Oh my bad, I didn't realize that men weren't capable of cheating on you, divorcing you, getting fat, stealing your money in divorce courts and that all men cook and clean and want to have thousands and thousands of babies.
B) Thank you so so SO much to this intelligent blogger for proving just how mature, selfless, humble, sane, responsible and pure men are.
C) This blog entry is MY attempt to tell you how completely fucked up this ignorant shithead's sorry excuse for a blog is.
This is prime evidence that there is still this ongoing ideology that women should be nothing but incubating robots who cook, clean, and fuck on command. Oh, who also don't have opinions, never say "no", and who keep their bodies (even through all the grueling house-hold duties and fuck sessions) in tip-top shape.
Absolutely appalling.
I think I may just start a new blog. I will call it "Boycott Misogynist Assholes Who Can't Find A Mate And Blame It On Women Because Their Egos Are Just Too Huge So They Resort To Male-Order Brides And Then Think That Their Traditional and Patriarchal Opinions Should Be Put Into Blog Format".
It's catchy, don't ya think?
P.S I want to point out that it doesn't seem that this blog has a comment section. What a fuck-tard.
My New Year's Resolutions
Well...I am almost a week late but, what the hell? Here are some resolutions I have for myself for 2011:
Let's go, 2011. Show me what you got.
Be more self-aware.
Take more risks.
Stand up for myself (stop avoiding confrontation).
Stop worrying about the future.
Let's go, 2011. Show me what you got.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
When Did This Become Beautiful....?
I first learned of Isabelle Caro on Jessica Simpson's show "The Price of Beauty".
She was made famous by the Italian campaign in which she poses nude to raise awareness about the dangers of anorexia.
While watching the sickly Isabelle describe her current state and her longtime struggles with the disease, I truly couldn't believe that this woman was still being hired by fashion designers. I could barely stand to look at her in that state - how the hell could people look at her in fashion ads and not want to turn away? How was it that this woman was still able to sell products?
Chloe at Feministing wrote an amazing piece on Isabelle Caro's death that was posted today on the site. She mentions that this new year brings the same old new year's resolutions of diet and weight loss.
Just last night Kels and I were discussing our resolutions to get into better shape. We talked about going for speed walks around our neighbourhood, eating healthier, and doing some workout videos in our living room. We had gone to the pool in our apartment building and were checking out our reflections in the windows! After reading Chloe's article, I am annoyed with myself for this. Yes, I would love to have a six pack and a tight ass but I hate the feeling that, as Steven Levenkron (psychotherapist and expert on anorexia) puts it, there is a "competition among women for physical perfection".
Yes, I do think I need to walk more and do more physical exercise. I for sure need to start eating healthier foods. But I should be doing it for health reasons - not just so that I will feel better about myself come summertime when I bust out the shorts and the bikinis.
WHY? Why this pressure to conform to one type of beauty that is so unrealistic and impossible to achieve? Why do we all desire to look the same?
As Chloe said: "no one can ever lose enough weight to satisfy the demands of this culture".
Anguish IS profit. And I don't want those fuckers profiting off of making me feeling shitty about my imperfect body.
She was made famous by the Italian campaign in which she poses nude to raise awareness about the dangers of anorexia.
While watching the sickly Isabelle describe her current state and her longtime struggles with the disease, I truly couldn't believe that this woman was still being hired by fashion designers. I could barely stand to look at her in that state - how the hell could people look at her in fashion ads and not want to turn away? How was it that this woman was still able to sell products?
Chloe at Feministing wrote an amazing piece on Isabelle Caro's death that was posted today on the site. She mentions that this new year brings the same old new year's resolutions of diet and weight loss.
Just last night Kels and I were discussing our resolutions to get into better shape. We talked about going for speed walks around our neighbourhood, eating healthier, and doing some workout videos in our living room. We had gone to the pool in our apartment building and were checking out our reflections in the windows! After reading Chloe's article, I am annoyed with myself for this. Yes, I would love to have a six pack and a tight ass but I hate the feeling that, as Steven Levenkron (psychotherapist and expert on anorexia) puts it, there is a "competition among women for physical perfection".
Yes, I do think I need to walk more and do more physical exercise. I for sure need to start eating healthier foods. But I should be doing it for health reasons - not just so that I will feel better about myself come summertime when I bust out the shorts and the bikinis.
WHY? Why this pressure to conform to one type of beauty that is so unrealistic and impossible to achieve? Why do we all desire to look the same?
As Chloe said: "no one can ever lose enough weight to satisfy the demands of this culture".
Anguish IS profit. And I don't want those fuckers profiting off of making me feeling shitty about my imperfect body.
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